Today, St George's day, is tje traditional day for making this wine, or at least the first brewing. I'm not sure it's anything to do with the man himself, more likely that dandelion flowers really are at about their best at this time. Pick them near the middle of the day, and check well for insects.
4 pints of dandelion flowers, removing as much green as possible
1 gallon very hot water
2 1/2 lbs sugar
2 teabags
1 lemon sliced
1 tbsp yeast
Place flowers into brewing bucket and pour over hot water; add sugar and stir to dissolve, then add sliced lemon and tea bag. leave to cool to blood heat, then add yeast. Stir well, cover tightly and leave in a warm place for 4 -5 days. Strain out and put into demi-john, rack off after about 6 weeks. May need a second racking before bottling. Leave a year if you can before trying.
I saw my first dandelion today. Just the one.
I think it'll be a while before I can make wine LOL.
alice in Orkney.
I plan to make dandelion jam tomorrow - only need to pick and de-petal 400 flowers!!
Rosie x
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