About twice a year, I clear out and sort my main tools of the trade - knitting needles. A rainy Saturday saw me upstairs (with a rather nice Easter egg as an accompaniment!) I tend to amass various more pairs over the months, but I really don't need 5 paris of size 14s, or 32 assorted sock needles LOL.
Now all sorted, have a small bundle of vintage ones destined for e-bay (this could pay for more needles?), and a nice tidy basketful for myself, sorted into a rather beautiful turquiose sisal pot I got at the tip eysterday, a beautiful colour, and just the right size to keep my needly obsession in check, I'd like to think. I've kept only the paris, and no more than three of each size; I've sorted the crochet hooks, seem to have more than 20..........
I did come across a very old pair of bone needles I forgot I had, and a rather interesting long bone crochet hook, but I'll hang on to them. A good hour's work, very enjoyable, good chocolate and a desire to tackle the circulars next................lol
Oh, thats my job for tonight when littlies are sleeping - sorting out the knitting cupboard (well cupboardS actually). Yes I think 3 pairs of needles in each size is adequate, although I'm fairly certain I will make excuses to keep more. After all you need at least one pair in wood, one in bamboo, one standard, and then theres the different lengths, plus the spares to loan out.............
Hmmm, going to be a long job.
Hope you managed to get yours finished ;-)
LOL. Finished now, having trouble with aprting with them to e-bay now I think!
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