Sunday, 13 June 2010


A beautiful double rainbow appeared this evening a wee while ago; by the time I'd got the camera ready, the second bow had faded, but I managed to get this:

The predicted rain showed up early evening - a proper deluge for about half an hour, but the sky is stormy looking out there, and I'm hoping the thunder doesn't materialise. Showers again tomorrow, it's said, but needed for the garden, so that's OK by me :)


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

We've been getting lots of those here lately, on accoiunt that is hasn't stopped blimmin' rainin'! Sigh! Pretty though :D

Anonymous said...

There is something life affirming about rainbows? I love to see them, I was out on the river yesterday getting soaked in the rain but loving the rainbow over the estuary,

MrsL said...

I think a lot of their magic is due to the fact that we actully take/make time to stop and see them -not just look, but properly see............people should take more time to stop and see what's around them.
