Busy weekend just gone, lots achieved, hopefully more this week too. Fair Trade cafe at the village hall on Saturday afternoon, got an order for a pair of socks! Sunday out in the garden - 4th November, out there working in a sleeveless t-shirt - amazing! Very foggy last night, but cleared early this morning, quite chilly now, and thinking of lighting a fire.
We had partridge for the first time last night; I bartered a pair for the loan of some chimney sweeping brushes, a good deal. We had them with redcurrant gravy, sprouts and parsnips, baked potatoes.
A friend popped in this morning on her way home, had a good natter, and lots of tea, followed by a trip to the tip. I procured a lovely pile of striped cotton pillowcases and a lovely old blanket with the wartime utility mark on. Star buy was a Dryad table loom for 1.00. Bargain of the year so far!