At the market yesterday, there were lots of special deals on fruit and vegetables; one of the bargains was a whole tray of big peaches for only 2.00, so one came home with me! I hope they'll ripen up soon and taste as good as they look. Even if they don't, I'll be able to do something good with them. I have a notion to bake a load then freeze them for winter puddings........... Big bags of bananas and red onions on offer too, so I was glad of the shopping trolley yesterday especially!
Other bargains - a lovley little book on soil, written in 1913, this reprinted in 1921 - looking forward to reading that. I also came across a woman who was ahving to sell some of her stash, poor soul, as she was running out of room to live at home! I managed to relieve her of some rather nice fabric, and Bean helped along too. :) I have ideas for the two lareger pieces I bought so will post photos up when projects are complete. Found a lovely picture of a small cottage, with a huge chunky frame; the frame needs a bit of attnetion, maybe needing painting over, but will wait and see how I feel about it. Couldn't resist it for only 50p though!
Today was spent outside in the back garden, or the greater part of it; sun was warm, gentle breeze, autumnal light. Spent the time digging out most of a big polygonum (bistort) that had outgrown its allotted space; cleared that, made a space to get my catalpa in the ground, then underplanted with spring bulbs - various miniature narcissi, dwarf iris in a lovely magenta colour, red tulips, topped off with groups of wallflowers procured yesterday in the market for a really reasonable price. I then weeded the end of a small bed and popped in some fritillary (uva vulpis) and Snow Bunting crocuses. Planted up a nice terracotta urn with Angelique tuplips, one of my favourites. Looking forward to seeing the display in the spring now!