I can have a rest LOL!! Seems ages since I posted, looking forward to catching up again. I had a really busy, but very enjoyable weekend.
MrL took Friday off, so we were up and out early - shopping, tip run, bits and pieces; we came home through Milborne Port, right on the Somerset border, and took some time out on my favourite hill

I sat on the bench and knitted for a while; the view is astounding, you can see for miles. The Somerset levels are off to the top right-ish direction I think. It's very peaceful up there, apart from a couple of horses clattering past.
Saturday took us to Devon, to meet up with some friends from the Creative Living forum. Lots of tea and cake, nattering and knitting, and admiring of chcikens and ducks :)

We even fitted in a visit to a local recycling centre on the way LOL. Bit more pricy than mine, but I got a wonderful old mincer ( another one.......), a very pretty soap dish for the bathroom, and Bean found me this plaque for the shed/garden

We got back quite late, but treatedourselves to a late supper of smoked salmon from South Uist, the best I've ever tasted, and a couple of glasses of wine.
Sunday dawned bright and sunny, so I planned to outdoors. MrL loaded up with chainsaw and went off to cut wood somewhere, ready to store for seasoning. There's more to come back next week, so we've a good amount to start replenishing the stocks with. I did et outside,a nd lovely it was too. I got the last greenhosue sorted, new edgings in place, bed cleared over and pots in place for tomatoes - they'll be here before I know it, waiting to be planted in place. They're germinating already in the ktichen, on the sunny windowsill. I got a lot of seeds sown too; makes for great optimism in march, sowing seeds of pumpkins, courgettes, beans, herbs, sunflowers.......
I lifted and divided some perennials from the back to replant in the new front border, so that was a good job done; it needs the annuals sown in amongst now, but I'm using self-sowing ones - nigella, limnanthes, escholzia- so they can pelase themselves int eh eyars to come. It's looking promisin
g out there. The area I lifted the plants from is being turned into my dye garden - at Last! I have the seeds ready to go, and need to get them in this week. More details on that later.
So, by last night, I was ready for a sit down, a glass of cider and some knitting in fornt of Time Team :)
Lots of knitting on the go at the moment; pair of socks finished for an order, shawl well under way, poppies waistcoat being made up and continuing on the hrose blankets for Lluest.
Spring cleaning beginning in earnest thsi week, along with major de-cluttering.
As I type, the wind has really come up, and it's clouded over, so it looks liek we might get the rain they promised - will be good to soak in the new plants, though!
I'd just liek to say hello and thankyou to all my followers - there have been a few new ones over the past couple of weeks, but I'm afraid I can't see who they are as there is soemthing worng with the Blogger follower bit. Must chase around and see if I can find out when it's going to be fixed - I'd like to know who you all are LOL
Welcome, anyway, hope you enjoy the blog.