Friday, 13 February 2009
Victorian Farm

Thursday, 12 February 2009
Pottering about

This is a replica of the Gunnister purse I finished this morning, from a pattern here:
Based on one excavated on Shetland in the 1950s, dating from the 17thC. Although I've alwys been interested in the historical side of knitting, like all practical things, the past fascinates me, the lives of ordinary people more so than the grand and wealthy. With the internet, there's so much information out there to use and enjoy, and I've joined several groups on Ravelry interested in historical knitting in various ways.
I like things in their place, so I started a new blog, Knitten, where I can put all my efforts and info. Find it here:
I've got a few other things lined up to, so looking forward to getting stuck into them soon.
The evenings are lighter now too, it's only just dark here now, after 6pm, I've just fed the goats and shut the chickens and ducks up for the night. I was talking to my friend about it, and we agreed it wouldn't be long until the clocks go back, only about 6 weeks now. Getting itchy fingers to get started on the garden properly - major overhaul of the vegetable beds, moving some, new ones, more of them, plus planting more fruit trees. I'm trying to sort out moving the ducks and hcikens too, plant a mini woodland and fit in a couple of pigs.
It's all go here........................

Tuesday, 10 February 2009
On a scale of one to ten................

More to life than cauliflower cheese.....................

............. so said the man on the radio this morning. Apparently "as a nation" we are turning our back on the cauliflower in favour of broccoli; slaes of caulis have gone down by 30% over the last ten years it's reckoned. "Health experts" and "nutritionists" have been pushing broccoli due to its perceived benefits in fighting cancer, to the expense of the lovely cauliflower. I am on a short -term one woman campaign to do something about it, and will buy cauliflowers at the weekend, and spend time searching our ecipes. So far, we like cream of cauliflower soup, cauliflower bhajis and ofcourse, cauliflower cheese. I have made potato and cauliflower curry too, which is very good, but more recipes needed. If anyone has any ides, please post below and I'll give them a go. The best cauliflowers I had were from Cornwall - huge white curds and snapping bright green leaves - lovely!
Monday, 9 February 2009
Carrot cake recipe

I made two of these on Saturday - one gone already LOL. The recipe I use is from Cranks Recipe Book:
Cranks Carrot Cake
6 oz carrots
2 eggs
4 oz sugar
3 fl oz vegetable oil
4 oz flour
1tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 teasp ground nutmeg
2 oz desiccated coconut
2oz raisins
Grease and line a loaf tin. Grate carrots finely. Whisk eggs and sugar together until thick and creamy, then gradually add the oil, still whisking. Then add remaining ingredients, mix throughly and pour into prepared tin. Bake in a hit oven for 30 - 35 minutes until well risen and golden brown. Cool on wire rack. Ice with orange icing if you like.
The original recipe in the book uses raw brown sugar and wholemeal flour, but I use what I have on the cupboard.
See here for more on carrot cake:
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Cupboard love.................

I've long wanted (and needed) a cupboard to store and display some of my lovely chine - plates, cake stands, jugs, etc, but nothing ever took my fancy really. However, this turned up at the tip, and I collected it today. I paid 5 pounds for it - more than I usually pay for anything at the tip LOL ), but it has a lot of potential. I'll be painting it, maybe more, and possibly trimming the sehelves, not sure, and adding new small knobs on the doors. There's just room to wedge it in the kitchen!! :)
I know - another project.............................
Saturday at home

Little fintpots in the snow - fintpots is a lovely word invented by Bean when she was very small , and we all use it now LOL

This is one of my little Light Sussex bantams, Margo; her sister is Barbara, but she wasn't around when the camera was out!

Pile of dogwood trimmings and prunings weathering, ready for basket making. Another week or so should see them fit for use, I hope. I love the colour of these, and want to plant some different varieites this year so I can add other colours into the baskets.

Apart from in and out to the washing line etc, I spent the majority of the day in teh kitchen baking and cooking - two carrot cakes, two big gingerbreads, two trays of shortbread, 1 1/2 dozen buttermilk scones, a murgh makhani (butter chicken curry) for tea, bit pot of rice, boiled potatoes for hash and two trays of baked potatoes to use teh rest of the ehat in the oven before I turned it back down. I also had a little wine festival of my own, in among the housework, and got some knitting on one of the shawls done, plus completed one dishcloth and knitted another one - these two destined for MrL's Valentine Day present - pics here: