As you know, I'm a bit of a library fiend; we are lucky where we live to have an excellent mobile library service; I can sit here in the sitting room and request books over the net, and a short time later they turn up more or less outside my house, and all for free. There is no charge for requesting books now, and I make full use of the service! It's a great way of trying before buying. Quite often there are only a couple or so of recipes or whatever I'm interested in, so to pay out for a whole book on the chance of it would be daft, so I read the library oens first, then decide if it's a keeper, when I'll go out and buy it.
Quite often, I'll read about a new book somewhee and request it straight away. Also quite often, the book is very new to the library, and I'm the first person to take it out - a brand new book, clear label in the front, only the one stamp on it.Other times, they're older books, but it's always interesting to see how many times they've been issued over the years; soemtimes somebody has pencilled in a renew date done over the phone.
A small glimpse into the lives of other biliophiles, I always feel :)
yesterday ahd me take out the two books above - one brand new, one older one with a lot of dates stamped on its label. The book looks old, is worn, but obviously well-read and enjoyed; it only dates from 1970, but when I did a quick calculation in my head, that's 40 years ago now..............