New week, new month, I'm raring to go, with lots of plans for the week and the month ahead.
The Anglo Saxons called it Solmonath (cake month) because cakes and other offerings were presented to teh Gods at this time. Some Celtic names allude to its being cut short, as in the modern Gaelic Gearran, which literally means "gelding". February has always been a month of variable length, gaining an extra day in leap years (or from the opposite viewpoint, losing a day in three out of every four years).
Chabmers Book of Days
So - plans for February! With a very successful day at the Open Day for our Guild of Weavers Spinners and Dyers, my enthusiasm has been further ignited, and this week I intend to get the table loom installed in the kitchen and get on with that. I met a lovely lady who is involved with a physic garden, and am going to do somw work/info for her on dye plants.
Today I'll be inventing a recipe for St Brigid's cake, for Imbolc. Imbolc is the beginning of spring in the Celtic calendar, with particular reference to lambing and the milking of ewes.
Other plans involve decorating - that got shelved before Christmas due to illness, so need to get on with that; more decluttering; getting out in the garden (if the ground ever thaws out!); I have various bits of writing I need to finish and start, and ofcourse, much knitting to be done; Valentine's Day and Shrove Tuesday to plan for, and a family birthday near the end of the month.
It's cold again here, a thick coating of frost outside, so I think a very large cup of tea is in order, and some toast, before I tackle the day ahead! Hope everyone is well.:)