Up very early this morning to go down to Wimborne with MrL on the first stage of my non-shop shopping project; spent a lovely 2 hours wombling around the market; did the week's shopping. Lots of fresh stuff - fruit and veg (veg local, the things that aren't ready here yet), very nice leg of lamb for Sunday, local cheese and butter, free range ham, bacona nd black pudding to try, big lump of Blue Vinny, chestnut mushrooms and some lovely iwld boar and pheasant pates. Very pleased with my purchases, it seems it will be entirely possible to do this weekly. If for any reason MrL doesn't go in on a Friday, there is a Farmer's Market in Sherborne we can try instead. I spent an hour or so browsing the other stalls - lots of interesting bits and bobs. There's a lovely lady who sells vintage jewellery, and her friend on the next stall, so I invested some of the housekeeping in jewels! Will post pics next time, but their stuff is very lovely, and cheaply priced. I treated myself to Knitting Today magazine - the best one of the rash of new knitting amgazines I've found; several things in there I want to knit, including tracking down the pattern for a Peacock shawl from Socktopus, which I then found on the net, so will probably order that, along with Elizabeth Zimmerman's Baby Surprise jacket; nice men's pullover, ladybird slippers, gorgeous christening shawl - I want to knit them all :0) :0) :0) Made pizzas for tea; I now need to go and tidy up and clean the kitchen, then get ready for the Guild meeting tomorrow - looking forward to that, as I missed the last one due to illness. The talk is on tapestry weaving letters. Like to have a go soon at tapestry weaving; there are sufficient hours in a day, but I might quite like another day in the week..........