- again! This first picture shows the kitchen table five minutes after returning from the mobile library. Yes, I can see you all turning your heads sideways LOL. The mobile library is a fortnightly treasure house for me. I don't drive, through my own choice, and time with family is take up with other things at weekends, plus OH has changed job and hours etc, so a visit to the terrestrial library is getting a bit rare these days. No matter - the library van is wonderful - I can request books online for free, and suggest book purchases, hire DVDs, buy stamps etc. A regular jar of jam and or chutney plus a Christmas present for the two staff help things along, and they often put aside books they think I might like. Can't be beaten, in my view.
These other two pictures show the charity shop haul I got this morning, all for £5. I knew I cleared my shelves last week for a reason! The princely sum of 80p for the Sarah Raven book with the astonishingly gorgeous cover was the icing on the cake. So, with this pile, I get to feed my armchair travelling ( see post below), gardening, foraging and biographical habits all for that relatively small sum. I also managed to find a bobbin of shirring elastic for 10p, so that was useful too.
Happy reading to you all too - hope you get as much pleasure from your books as I do from mine. :)