Today, shortest day of the year. It's overcast with thick cloud here, but dry, with a slight wind. I love the solstice, marking the turning of the year and a return to the light. There are all sorts of bulbs peeping through the dark soil in the garden already (plus some still in their bags that haven't quite met the garden yet, but will soon LOL) We're having someriends round later for mulled wine and cider, something I always look forward to.
Today is alsot Thomas the Apostle's Day, giving rise to the rhyme:
St Thomas gray, St Thomas gray,
the longest night and the shortest day.
As it says in Maypoles, Martyrs and Mayhem, whatever teh weather, it is an opportune time for human activities, and a not-so-opportune time for pigs:
St Thomas Divine,
Brewing, baking and killing of fat swine.
One interesting local custom I ahve learned about concns the village of Thornford, some 8 miles distant; today is the day to leave their annual five shillings tithe in the hollow of a certain gravestone in the graveyard. If it was not in place before noon the Lord of the manor could claim his ancient right to a hay tithe. Not taht the Digbys need it these days .........:)