Saturday, 7 March 2009
I'm back............
............hopefully got the problems sorted, so will be back tomorrow and get back to normal. :)
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Computer problems..................................
Sorry for my absence here and at my other blogs; our computer seems to have caught itelf a virus :( EJ says he can fix it, but it might take a day or two. Just thought I'd let you all know, and hopefully I'll be back very soon.
Monday, 2 March 2009
Those vernal seasons of the year....................

Lovely - another new month for me to get on with! It was the most beautiful day ehre yesterday - warm and sunny, no wind, so I spent a lot of time out in the garden, aided and abetted by MrL, who was under my strict supervision, but he needs to be in my garden............He dug out the biggest part of the cardoon (I saved a couple of chunks for replanting, he's not getting away with that, you know LOL), and we moved the asparagus into two new raised beds - teh size of teh roootballs on them were amazing; I need to get out and tuck them up with a good mulch of goat manure this morning. Teh resulting space is going to be for more fruit trees - a mini orchard, although we have fruit trees in lots of other places too, I now have space for a cherry, greengage and mulberry. The cherry is being re-located from the front garden wehre it's enver been happy, and I need to go off and order the others today. I also did some tidying up, got the sweetpeas out into the coldframe to harden off and tidied around in the wooden greenhouse. Got the blackcurrants mulched with manure too. There's still a lot to do, but we made a good start on it. Daffodils well on their way now, crocuses out, Imperial fritillaries making their way skyward ( ooh, the smell.............yuck(: - the smell liek foxes), oxlips out, stirring amongs the perennials and lots of buds forming on trees.Woke up to a frosty start this morning, but I think of it as an early spring frost, because for me, the winter turned last week, and it's now spring. :) I need to get the tomatoes in today - teh first of the chillies are showing now, but it's been a bit cold, even indoors for things really. Sown a bit later, they soon catch up.
A traditional saying goes thus: "It's not spring until you can plant your foot on twelve daisies" - not in this
I like this quote from Milton:
"In those vernal seasons of the year, when the air is calm and pleasant, it were an injury and sullenness against nature not to go out, and see her riches, and partake in her rejoicing with heaven and earth"
"March is the first month of spring. He is Nature's Old Forester, going through the woods and dotting the trees with green, to mark out the spots where the future leaves are to be hung. Teh sun throws a godlen glory over the eastern hills, as the village-clock from the ivy-covered tower tolls six, gilding the hands and teh figures that were scaarcely visible two hours later a few weeks ago. Teh streams now hurry along with a rapid motion, as if they..........were eager to rush along the green meadow-lands, to tell the flowers it's time to awaken"
Chambers Book of Days (1864)
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