Friday, 9 January 2009
Goats in winter!

Perfect mashed potato

January giveaway!!!

Thursday, 8 January 2009
Spring can't be far behind..............

These are my hyacinth bulbs in the kitchen, well on their way now - they have grand roots on them too.The sent of hyacinths is one of my very favourites, and one stem can scent a room for a couple of weeks. I've had the container for a long time- it's an antique German mould, ceramic, but with a couple of cracks in, so probably wouldn't hold liquid. It's well past its best, so couldn't sell it either, so rather than throw it away (horror of horrors!!!), I used it for this; think it's quite funky LOL Can't remember what colour the flowers are, so that'll be a nice surprise. :)
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Meet the chickens.............

St Distaff's Day - 7th January

Partly work and partly play
Ye must on St Distaff's Day:
From the plough soon free your team;
Then come home and fodder them.
If the maids a-spinning go,
Burn the flax and fire the tow:
Scorch their plackets but beware
That ye singe no maiden hair.
Bring in pails of water then,
Let the maids bewash the men.
Give StDistaf all teh right:
Then bid Christmas sport good-night
And next morrow, everyone
To his own vocation.
Robert Herrick, Hesperides, St Distaff's Day.
Taken from Chambers Book of Days
So there you go, I can spend the day in transition, spinning by the stove. think I'll pass on the bewashing of the men, though LOL
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Things found - postscript
I have just taken a book off the shelf which caught my eye, whilst looking for another one; it's an old craft book called News Chronicle Needlework and Crafts. No date on it, but I suspect mid 1930s or thereabouts. The frontispiece has a picture of a very pretty embroidered cushion cover with a spray of lilac as the design. The covering sheet for the photo, like a thin transparent tissue paper, bears the legend "A transfer of the design is enclosed in the envelope at the end of the book"
Against all odds, the transfer is indeed still there, and unused to boot. I bought this book early last year, probably from the tip, as it has no price inside, but had yet to look at it. I'd love to make the cushion cover, so will investigate what I need in the way of materials and raid the stash LOL.
Two books in a row bearing little treasures. Good start to the New Year :)
Things found.................

Monday, 5 January 2009

I find it a great idea to get others involved - encourage each other, make suggestions, give the occasional behind (usually mine LOL) a kick.
I want to try new recipes; grind flour more often and better; grow wheat again (and try and stop the pigeons from eating it); try foreign breads; different shapes; different flours; sourdough starter again; read books on bread - you get the idea.
Bread is such an important part of life - physically, spiritually and metaphorically.
I'll post pics, recipes, etc as I go along - feel free to join in here or on the forum (link above), or jsut read about what others are doing - you'll end up being inspired I bet.
Happy kneading LOL
Grind flour,
Make bread,
In the bowl,
MrsL hits the sales!!!!


The skeins are 50g of alpaca which I spun yesterday; I have to admit I didn;t really enjoy this one, but it's a Guild challenge, so, as Chairman, I felt duty bound to come up with something. I now have to make it into an article, but not sure what yet; I may dye it first, but teh enxt stage is wshing the skeins today.
Remember the little red teapot from a while back? Well, here it is in its cosy - hadspun white North Ronaldsay. Not the best bit of fleece I've bought off e-bay to be honest, there wasa lot I couldn't use, but I managed to eke it out just enough to knit this mini rare-breed cosy with about 3 ft of wool left:) Sweet, isn't it?
Gardener's world

One of the BBC's better ones, this!