Monday 5 January 2009


I love making bread, but don't do it as often as I would like, and tend to get stuck in a plain white (albeit organic, unbleached :) ) bread rut. So, from this month, I'm going to do my own personal bread campaign:

I find it a great idea to get others involved - encourage each other, make suggestions, give the occasional behind (usually mine LOL) a kick.
I want to try new recipes; grind flour more often and better; grow wheat again (and try and stop the pigeons from eating it); try foreign breads; different shapes; different flours; sourdough starter again; read books on bread - you get the idea.
Bread is such an important part of life - physically, spiritually and metaphorically.
I'll post pics, recipes, etc as I go along - feel free to join in here or on the forum (link above), or jsut read about what others are doing - you'll end up being inspired I bet.

Happy kneading LOL
A little poem about bread:
Grow wheat,
Four feet,
Stook reet,
Good and neat.

Grind flour,
In an hour,
Hand power,
Dough sour.

Make bread,
To be fed,
Fire led,
Coals red.

In the bowl,
Grains whole,
This your goal -
Feed your soul.
(copyright S.Dean)

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