During the week I eat breakfast alone, usually in the kitchen, sometimes out in the garden. I like my solitary breakfasts, they give me a good start to the day. Occasionally I'll have just coffee or tea, but I usually have something to eat. I have definite favourites, and am not one for cereals, apart from the odd bowl of cornflakes with very cold milk.
This morning I had one of my favourites, hot buttered cinnamon and raisin bagel with strong coffee.
Other favourite breakfasts: boiled egg (hardish boiled) with toast; homemade bread toasted; smoked salmon and scrambled eggs; egg, milk and honey whisked up together; fresh fruit; Yeo Valley natural yoghurt and fresh blueberries;full English breakfast; eggs and black pudding...........
At the weekends we tend to have poached eggs on Saturday and fried breakfast of osme persuasion on Sundays.
My best ever breakfast was in Paris, back in 1980 - I've never forgotten it - fresh, warm baguette with the freshest, sweetest butter and huge bowls of the best coffee I've ever drunk. I've tried to replicate it several times, but never come close; maybe it's better it stays as a memory :)
What about you, what do you have?