..almost over. Very enjoyable, though, various bits done. Saturday morning delivered a tea-cosy, then it was a round trip back and up over Bulbarrow to pick gorse flowers for some wine; I'd had enough after 2 quarts, with OH's help, so only 1 gallon's worth, but plenty to recall the bright but chill day when they were picked. I love it up there, it seems like the top of the world - fantastic views across the Vale , total peace apart from a few sheep and lambs. Nature's fecund larder in full blow - wild garlic, nettles, gorse, comfrey, hawthorm blossom. Went up to the hall to support the Fair Trade cafe, although I'm not involved with the committee any longer - wish more in the village would support it, though. Sat in the dark and peace in the sitting room last night - Saturday is still non-electric night in there, which I really enjoy. Up early this morning, cooked breakfast and outside in the garden - for a short while, horticultural endeavours curtailed by thunder and lightening. I got the Livingstone daisies pricked out and the cotton plants potted on, ate my fig rolls and came back inside :) OH brought in all the demi-johns from the store, so I sorted through them, got them all up to date with bottling, racking off, etc, so please with that fairly mammoth effort. Weekend's knitting is washcloths - an American term, usually not over-keen on the use of Americanisms in English, but a much nicer name for them than flannels, I think! I bought some really beautiful organic cotton from e-bay in a sea green/blue colour, so soft........ three done, just enough to make a fourth and crochet a hanging loop on each. ooking forward to using them.
The wild flowers at the moment are truly beautiful along the lanes and byways around here; jugfuls of cow parsley being one of my very favourites. I'm hoping it has appeared in the garden, but will need to wait until it flowers to make sure, fingers crossed, would love some of my very own!
Tomorrow is the first of the boot sales - the others are selling from a table, but I really don't think I have any spare stuff I don't want, which is really, really good!! Will trundle along with them, though and have a wander around. Nothing I want or need, but I like to look, and I always manage to see a few people I know; hope the weather is better than today!
I love jigsaws - the one in the pic is one I picked up at the tip last week; I may well do it permanently and frame it, it's lovely, with blue tits, a thrush and little mice in it, as well as some lovely pots and even an auricula. Could be my own dresser................