I really must try harder with the bread making, instead of buying it! I do make it often, but not often enough, I think, so I got out the triple tin this morning and set to, the above being the result. I got the tin several years ago from a stall at the Dorset Steam Fair. I can't remember how much, but under £10 I think; I'm fairly certain it comes from some sort of institution (prison possibly) as it has the arrow mark on one side. It only *just* fits in the RAyburn oven, so I took a bit of a chance when I bought it!It bakes a good loaf, and they're a good size - needed when there are two men in the house. I use a very plain bread recipe - flour, yeast and water, as that's what works best, and a very quick oven. One thing I really want to try is baguettes, so need to research the flour aspect of that and give it a go. I used the oven to bake two trays of flapjacks while the bread was proving, and made two lasagnes (one vegetarian) for tomorrow night, so it's an easy supper for then. Then the residual ehat was used to bake the bread and ehat the water for a needed cup of tea. :)
Wish you could smell my kitchen just now.......................