Friday, 4 April 2014

Busy busy

Sorry for lack of posts this week, is a bit manic here!  Wedding date is looming ever closer - 19th is the day; I have a head full of flowers and colours, cake bits and horses, lists and caterers' requirements lol  All going fine so far and on course, have even managed to find a company to come in and clean the hall afterwards on the Sunday - am not interested in doing that at all!!

We're suffering a bit from the pollution from Europe down here in The Vale - there's a thick foggy smoggy haze, resulting in an odd smell hanging in the air  and  a sore throat and watery eyes for me.  Has been a wee bit better o far today, so maybe it's on its way out I hope.

Spring flowers are everywhere, the garden is full of blossom and scent, birdsong and new growth.  I need to get out among it and dig up  load of plants; I have a lot of stuff I want to take with me, may need a separate van or the garden stuff when the time comes!

Had a lovely day out yesterday with a friend, down to west Dorset; ended up in Abbotsbury sub-tropical gardens for a cream tea, then discovered a lovely little crystal and healing shop/business in the village, with a priceless view to St Catherine's chapel from the Peace Garden. Lovely :)

So - everything seems to be on track at the moment, will try to post more regularly. Am toying with the idea of starting a whole new blog when I do move - new brooms and all that. Wold be along the same lines and themes as Unbought Delicacies, but from a new home and garden. What do you think?

Oh, and a big hello to my new followers - hope you enjoy my blog and find something to inspire you, you are all very welcome :)

This is me finding time for a quiet five minutes in the garden the other day lol


Monday, 31 March 2014

Tulip time

There are some very beautiful tulips, and top of my list at the moment is orange tulips. I bought these on Friday, British grown, two bunches for £5 - great value as they last about 10 days on the kitchen windowsill. I just love the contrast between the fresh zingy green and citrusy orange.


Sunday, 30 March 2014

Wild garlic dumplings

4oz flour
2 oz suet
1/2 tsp salt
large handful wild garlic leaves, chopped

Combine everything in a bowl, and mix to a stiff past with cold water.  Shape into dumplings with floured hands, and cook in a simmering stew for about 20 minutes.

This is supper tonight, on a lamb casserole, with sprouts and buttered parsnips.