First of February - cold, bitter wind, snow threatening later in the day and for the coming week. February, for me, heralds the coming spring, with so much to look forward to - spring growth, new life in the fields, longer daylight hours, getting on in the garden, thinking towards spring cleaning.
"February comes in like a sturdy country maiden, with a tinge of the red, hard winter apple on her healthy cheek, and as she strives against the wind, wraps her russet-coloured cloak well about her, while with bent head, she keeps throwing back the long hair that blows about her face, and though at times half blinded by the sleet and snow, still continues her course courageously.... the mellow-voiced blackbird and the speckle-breasted thrush make music among the opening blossoms of blackthorn, to galdden her way; and she sees faint flashings of early buds here and there, which tell her the long miles of hedgerows will soon be green"
Chambers Book of Days, 1864
Also, ofcourse, the festival of Imbolc, and St Brigid's Day, marking the beginning of spring in the Celtic calendar.
From the lovely Chalice Centre site
http://www.chalicecentre.net/index.htmlTO CELEBRATE IMBOLC TODAY . . .
This is traditionally a time of purification — clean your house!
If you have any Christmas greenery lingering, burn it now.
Make your own Brighid’s crosses and hang them up,
especially in the kitchen where her influence can bless your food.
Put out food — cake, buttered bread and milk will do — outside your door:
Brighid and her cow walk through the neighborhood tonight, and will appreciate your offering.
Leave a silk ribbon on your doorstep for Brighid to bless:
It can then be used for healing purposes.
Meditate upon what you would like to see grow in health and strength this year:
for yourself, your family, your community, the Earth,
and ask for Bride's blessing upon your prayers