I am usually a fair weather gardener, and have a tendency to skulk in one of the greenhouses if the rain starts - not always conducive to a good garden really! However, there is rain and there is rain - you know what I mean :) Summer rain is just wonderful - fresh, clean, splashing off green foliage, refreshing and invigorating, not unpleasant to be out and doing in, wonderful to listen to.
On Monday morning, I was literally venturing out of the backdoor to plant some beans when it started - a gentle plop plopping to begin with, so I thought I'd get the beans in anyway. I didn't bother with a coat or hat, just a sleevless t-shirt and skirt - what I already had on.
I stayed out in it for the best part of two hours, getting wetter and wetter as the rain intensified into a good, steady downpour, really. I got lots of vegetables planted out into their growing positions, and a good number of waiting plants out of their pots and into the ground.
I also spent quite a while just standing there, trowel in hand, face raised to the sky, just watching it rain - fascinating, spellbinding and awe inspiring. Rain, something so seemingly simple that can so easily be taken for granted.
Yes, I was soaked through, but the invigorating effect of that rain is something I will remember for a long time. I came back indoors eventually, refreshed and recharged.
Gardening in the rain - definitely recommended :)