So - that was the Christmas that wasn't! Unfortunately we were all so ill, it didn't really happen for us. We all had this dreaded flu type thing, Bean and I worst I think. EJ got off with just the cough, MrL had cough and aching. I wasn't fit enough to cook Christmas dinner even if anyone had wanted to eat it, and we couldn't have tasted it anyway! So, no cake, no mince pies, crackers, turkey leftovers, none of that. We all sat and read quietly for teh day (new Christmas books), and EJ had a go on his new banjo.:)
However, feeling much better now, so ready to get on with things. We're having a roast dinner today instead, so will make a start on that soon. It's bitterly cold here, very icy and frosty, but lovely to have a proper winter after many years of wet and mild. I've been letting the chickens and ducks out of their run to give them the freedom of the garden - they love that,and come right down to the back door for a nosey around and wait for me to take scraps out for them. It's quite comical to see the little feathery bottoms sticking straight up out of the flower beds LOL
We went to the annual charity book sale yesterday, and I managed to come home with a large box of interesting books on cooking, crafts, gardening, Scotland, a few maps too, so that should keep me out of mishcief for a while. I've already earmarked several projects for the new year..........
Hope everyone had good 'Christmasses, hwoever you celebrated. It's nice to be back!