The first spinning of the Jacob fleece, coming along nicely.

Tthis is the inside of an Edzell Blue potato, should you never have seen one before! Isn't nature amazing?!

View from the Far Side (of the Vale........)
.....so very little got done outside, apart from a few broccoli plants in, sweet peas picked and shallots pulled up and now drying in the greenhouse - the ones not trashed by the wayward chickens, that is! Had another great morning at the amrket on Friday - most of teh stallholders remembered me, which is nice,a nd had a good chat with some of them. Got strawberries for jam tomorrow, and some goat sausages, which we had this morning for breakfast, teh first taste of goat meat. Very meaty tasting, but OH found it difficult to eat them, as we have goats ourselves. Bought half a dozen nice little curly kales again, and helped along the funds of the nice lady whos ells cheap vintage jewellery, and the woman who sells interesting books........ :0) :0)
Got some spinning done, adn tackled my wardrobe. So, tonight, it just has clothes in it! Major breakthrough that, would like to keep it that way too. Now in a position to get on with my covered clothes/coat hangers projects - some are knitted, some are fabric, but want them all done, with plenty of moth repellant bags and lavender bags too. Nice project for the summer. On the way back on Friday, we had lunch up on the top of bulbarrow Hill, so the view above is from teh other side of the Vale that I see every morning from the bedroom window. On a clear day, and with a telescope/binoculars, you can see out pink house!!
So, another week is looming, lots to get on with, getting organised and sorted, decluttered and fed, cleaned and gardened. |Hope the weather improves for outside work - I've a lot to do out there, and the chickens are fed up with the wet!