....... stretches ahead of me; I have a head full of plans and ideas, projects and intentions - about par for the course for a new year. It's like having a whole new day in front of you, only bigger! There's a lot I want to tackle this year, but not so much that I can't attempt it all and get most of it done at least.
Get on with the decorating that fizzled out at the back end of 2009 due to illness
Get the rest of the curtains sorted
More de-cluttering
Make sure I actually use what I've got - if not, away it goes!
Keep on top of the housework, laundry, etc
Keep the housework to the mornings only, freeing up the afternoons for gardening, making, reading, thinking, etc - I do this more or less already, but needs refining a bit!
Try and clear the kitchen every evening, ready for the next day
Get back on track with prepping, stocking up, etc
Be more organised with my paperwork - badly needed, this one!
Grow more vegetables
Try some new "old" varieties
Take more time to sit out and enjoy it
More bird watching
Tidy the shed LOL - it's a bit hairy in there!
Get rid of as much plastic as possible, sue clay pots, wooden trays etc
Rejuvenate all the ponds
Plant a couple more trees
Start coppicing
Charcoal burning
Get the bread/pizza oven built
Maybe breed some rare breed chickens
Grow a good dye garden
Plant more wild/foraging plants
Investigate forest gardening and apply
Ditto more biodynamics and planting by the moon
Try and grow a year's worth of tomatoes for bottling, fresh and sauce, etc
Make more bread and expand my range
Ditto cheese
Bake more
Make more clothes
Knit more socks
Start at least one new craft
Make more music - keep the fiddle going, get out guitar and banjo
Make more cards to replenish year's stock
Spin more
Dye more
Make a year's worth of saop
Make more candles
Me time (very important!)
Get back to drawing and painting
Walk more
Get to the woods more
Avoid people that annoy me - that includes on the net!
Spend more time just being, thinking, musing, preferably out in the garden
Keep up the reading
Keep out of the bigger towns as much as possible
Bits and bobs
Use it up
Avoid the supermarkets even more
Eat more healthily
Hang my clothes up!
Get the book/s finished and published
Keep up with the blogs, happy to share my recipes, thoughts, patterns, etc
Have more faith in my own abilities
Not resolutions as such, more building on and refining what I do already, another stage in the progression of the way I live I suppose
Most of all - take it slowly, and relish the whole of 2010; enjoy every minute of it if I can, make the most of it all and be content.
It all looks do-able and possible written down like that, doesn't it? lol I'll see how I go, but you'll be able to follow my progress on here as usual. Never mind, onwards and upwards with hope in my heart.................