Monday, 20 December 2010

I know your plane's been cancelled/delayed......

BUT It is an airport terminal building; it is not 'like a warzone', it is not 'like a third world country', it is not 'like a refugee camp'.
Bloody people, make my blood boil. Get a sense of proportion.


Kath said...

YES!! A million time yes!!

Hope you are well Mrs L xx

Oddny said...

What a lovely SENSIBLE post. Couldn't agree more :-)

♥ emma bear forever ♥ said...

Watching this on the news this morning and I had to turn over! It is a shame that people can't get to where they want to go - but for god's sake it's not the end of the world. Moaning about not enough vouchers for food being given out, well go and bloomin buy some then if your THAT hungry. Grumble over.......Merry Christmas Mrs L x

Dartford Warbler said...

I completely agree!

Stella said...

Well said. It drives me nuts too. OK, I'm sure it's not pleasant for them, but people in this country have got so soft and expect everything as their right. Just like spoilt children.
Why do they have to jet off round the world anyway? Why can't they be content in their own homes? I think this lovely planet of ours is trying to tell us that the time has come that this sort of lifestyle has to stop.

MelMel said...

Anyone would think they don't have homes to go back to.....unlike a lot of people living in warzones....camps etc.....they should be glad its only a plane that is cancelled and not something much much worse!


IslandHome said...

Couldn't agree more with all the above. Have they forgotten they chose to be there in the first place? Some will always choose to make a negative situation worse by reacting in a negative manner instead of making the most of each moment and taking it for what it is. My guess is they go through life with blinkers on. I just appreciate the reminder that Mother Nature is all powerful. Solstice Blessings and Merry Christmas to you!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more - why do they need to be flying off anyway?

Hope you have a lovely Christmas, and all the very best for 2011.

michelle said...

just read this and i couldn't agree more - seriously and people are now wanting compensation....aaarghh