Saturday, 31 May 2014


 - for lack of posts; I got taken into hospital last Wednesday, and am still here; not sure how long I'll be in, but finding it very difficult. Days are long, I don't feel too bad in myself, but have been put on some fearsome anti-biotics that can only be given by iv drip. So, here I am.  Luckily, got my laptop and my knitting, and can get a Guardian every day to read. Tomorrow hopefully my crochet will be brought in too. hardest thing is being in among people and noise again - didn't realise quite how withdrawn I'd become!  I hope to et back to posting now I'm more up together, but not sure about photos lol Will see.  Hope all are well and happy :)

In the meantime, I'll share this random photo of a mini Stonehenge which I think is rather lovely :)



Linda said...

Hope you are on your way to recovery. We all sometimes need to take a break - be it from everyday things or blogging, but I'be found from experience the blogging community are very supportive and most of your followers are still out there waiting. Sending you hugs and hoping you get well soon. Love Linda xx

a.rogue (Alice) said...

I hope you feel better soon! A forced rest can work wonders. :)
Sending positive thoughts - take care!

Jo said...

Get well soon : )

Donna said...

Get well soon. Not nice being stuck in hospital xx

Vivianne said...

Just caught this post - I do hope you're on the mend xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely, I love stonehenge!

Roel Tijskens