Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Kitchen scales with batteries..........



Mara said...

Oh my!

When I met my husband he had a set of these. I grumbled a bit but it wasn't until mum moved in with us and brought her weights and proper scales that husband was converted. I said to him the other week "do you remember those electronic scales?" and he tried to bluff his way out of it. LOL I agree...quite pointless! people are obsessed with gadgets.

MrsL said...

Thought it might just be me, and awaited a barrage of abuse!! Keep it simple! My scales are fold-up ones I got at the tip, go on the wall, so take up very little room, the scale is at eye level, and the pan is a useful size. Before that I had the old fashioned scales with weights, but found them heavy to deal with, so sold them at a boot sale.

Mara said...

Those are the kind of scales we had at home when I was growing up. :)

I do like the weights...they look good as well as being functional. :)

GigerVamp said...

I have my nans old manual scales, but i also have a set of electronic scales. why? because i need them for precise small measurements when i'm making soaps and bath/body stuff. :)

Leanne said...

I have a set of cast iron scales with brass weights- an imperial set for me, and a set of metric ones in case I ever need them. We do have a set of battery run Salter scales in the dark recesses of a cupboard somewhere, my son brought them back from uni and the battery is flat. I must remember to take them to a charity shop...

MrsL said...

I just weigh my soap ingredients on my ordinary scales, they do fine for me.

I'm not having a go (well, maybe just a wee bit.....;)), each to their own and all that, more having a rail against gadgets for gadgets' sakes, I think. It's all part of my ongoing dis-electrification (?)getting rid of batteryies and doing as much my hand as possible of as much of my life as possible.

You'll get used to me:):):)

GigerVamp said...

Oh, I understand that. I like using manual things too. :)