Thursday, 3 April 2008


This little geranium has come out, now it's in the warmth of the kitchen; the label says plain pink, but I think this is so pretty against the fresh green of the foliage. I have two on the front windowsill.


Greentwinsmummy said...

How pretty!!
I have a tale about geranium flowes but its my Yule Tale that I forgot to tell at Yule doh!! y'all have to wait 8 months heheehehe

I have left something for you over at my blog :o)
x x x

Pixiedust said...

What a lovely flower. I love geranium's and its one of my favorite essential oils.

Congratulations by the way......

Greentwinsmummy said...

rolls eyes....ah well Mrs L least your spammer is a polite one!!!

MrsL said...

What - that spammer I just zapped? :0) :0)