Tuesday 11 May 2010


These are on of my favourite flowers of all - good "doers", seed happily around, and they cross with each other so easily, giving rise to new colour permutations every year; beautiful foliage, too, grow in sun or light shade, last well as a cut flower and seem to know just the right place to set seed and grow all by themselves with minimum intervention. Mind you, the very pretty cream one in the picture has conveniently set herself right in the doorway of one of the greenhouses and I can't shut the door! When flowering is over, I shall move her, as she's too beautiful to lose. When we moved here, the only flowers were a few small-flowered aquilegias and some pot marigolds; the tiny dark pink one is an offspring of one of the originals, so nice to keep that going. The big blue one is in among a nice stand of Solomon's Seal by another greenhouse door - the colour combination of greens, cream and that dark purply blue is stunning. The pretty pale pink one grows happily inside the same greenhouse - I don't feel the need to move her at all, she's more than happy where she is, and attracts insects in too.
I have met in the past, some real aquilegias snobs (bit like rose snobs) _ "Oh I've got such and such (drops in names)", boasting about where they acquired plant/seed and how much they cost - completely OTT in my book for a special plant that is so much more rewarding to let seed itself and be happy where it grows.
Better, for me, to take what nature offers , and accept it with grace.


Mrs M said...

And one of my favourites too. I love this time of year as the aquilegias start blossoming and surprise me with all their different colours and different places they have decided to grow. From singles to frillies, from white to almost black, they just keep coming back every year, without any intervention from me (just occasionally move one on from a doorway). Bliss.

A Green and Rosie Life said...

Mine too and I was admiring some up the road thinking I must sow some for here. Trouble is I haven't got a duck proof flower bed at the moment.

Rosie x

Christian said...

Beautiful pictures MrsL!

Mine are in leaf, but no flower heads yet! They have self seeded everywhere!

My lupins have gone mad though!

C x

Leanne said...

I have loads here too, growing happily where they choose, and I too am happy to let them,. beautiful flowers, welcome anywhere in my garden

Leanne x