Tuesday 12 April 2011

Simplicity in nature

Spring in the garden is lovely and some of the most beautiful flowers appear around now. I've been out with the camera this morning - purple honesty, epimediums (I like to call them happy mediums lol), dandelions and apple blossom. The scent of the last is so beautiful and evocative, isn't it? I feel it's never truly been captured as a man-made scent or perfume, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I'd rather enjoy the seasonal fleetingness of it when it graces the trees with its simple and beguiling presence. There is a lovely branch of it hanging quite low over the greenhouse door, but I won't be moving it, or cutting it off - I'd rather duck and enjoy the blossom followed by the Devonshire Quarrenden apples. Being a biennial bearer, this very old variety will bear well for me this year; a beautiful apple, with reddy-pink skin, pink tinged flesh and a wonderful flavour. It's not a keeper at all, so needs to be eaten, another of the wonderful seasonal treats you get from nature - can't be beaten.

1 comment:

mrsnesbitt said...

Nature's perfume is the best! I find the perfumes in department stores & chemists so overpowering and often get headaches when I am in the building for a while. I don't welcome shop assistants spraying perfume towards me either. God I sound an old fart! lol!