Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Five summer minutes..............

One of my favourite ways to spend five minutes on a summer's day is to lean over the back door (stable door, I have the top open all day) and watch the summer rain. It's a welcome respite from the heat of the kitchen where the Rayburn is on all day, and higher this afternoon as I'm baking biscuits for a friend.
The air outside is fresh and cool, the rain steady but not heavy. Summer rain has its very own unique sound too -  as it splashes downwards through the leaves, ending gently on the soft earth. The scents of nature jump up at you - rich earth, fresh green smell of the lush vegetation, the pungent smell of fennel from just beyond the start of the path, really fresh and clean air..............
My eye darts around the garden as each drop twinkles as it hits a leaf, and whole bushes shimmer and shiver with their own vibrancy.
I can hear a tractor rumbling along, tyres swishing the wet road, and hear the chickens grumbling, trying to outdo the quacking of the somewhat happier ducks, all against the background of gentle splashes and dripping..........
Even the bindweed looks pretty..................
The chiming of the church  clock tells me it's been a wee bit more than five minutes, but no matter, I return to the kitchen refreshed and bouyed up by nature - again.

What would you do with five summer minutes?

1 comment:

Mum said...

I'd sit and watch the garden grow, contemplating life while sipping beer from my favourite glass. The outdoor table would be covered with a pretty tablecloth topped with a jug filled with just picked flowers. By my side would be a pile of homes mags, 2 sleeping cats and my basket trug with the day's veggie pickings ready to be made into the evening meal. My body would be pleasantly tired from the day's work and walk. I may even be smiling to myself.

Love your blog.

Love from Mum