Saturday, 7 June 2014

Gone to pot

The gentle and unhurried  'potting on of bits I want to take with me' is ongoing. This afternoon, in the sunshine,  I potted up some ransoms and tri-cornered leek, and a lovely wee self-sown elder tree.  Rescued several pots of good plants that had been shoved into an unsuitable place by someone, and got them out into the air and light - am sure they can be saved :)  A nice package of seeds arrived last week too,  to add to my collection. There's a great seller on e-bay that I use quite a lot, with unusual seeds. Funnily enough, he only lives 11 miles away, but I only know him as Derek.  I got - sweet lupino beans, gambero verde beans, moth mullein, Egyptian pea bean, Tuscan egg onion,  Rapunzel rampion, scuplit, a 'super' cucumber,  wild sea cabbage,  red-ribbed dandelion, some more kailyard kale and some wild lettuce.

Scuplit is a complete unknown to me. Apparently is a rare Italian culinary herb, hardly known outside of Italy.  Am looking forward to having a go at something so unusual next year.


1 comment:

Quirky Apple said...

Tell me more about the Egyptian Pea Bean and if it made the move with you.