Tuesday, 18 March 2008

You ain't seen me..........

.......right? I'm supposed to be at the Parish Council Meeting, but honestly didn't feel up to it, so cried off; hot bath and an early night, I think.

I did get the grapefruit and ginger marmalade started this afternoon, and a bit more crochet done, but it really was too cold to go outside.


Greentwinsmummy said...

Oh it does no harm AT all to play hookey once in a while,enjoy your quiet evening,its getting pretty cold out there,theres no sign of packing away the hot water bottles just yet :o)

Pixiedust said...

OOhh I'm telling lol. Have a lovely evening. Why don't you enjoy a glass of wine with me! look forward to the recipe, thanks. xx

Leanne said...

OOh, playing hookey! dont blame you at all Sarah! Leanne x