Thursday 3 September 2009

Great Dorset Steam Fair

This year is the 41st Steam Fair, here in Dorset.I haven't been to them all, but I've been to a fair few! It started out with a few engines and enthusiasts in a field, and has grown to a huge international event, covering I don't know how many acres of farmland in the heart of Dorset. There's so much to see, we were just saying tonight you'd have to camp for the whole duration to get to see eveyrthing. I love it all - the smell of the engine smoke, the noise, the steam organ music, lots of laughter, a great atmosphere, zillions of dogs of all shapes and sizes, cider and beer tents, excellent food, always bump into someone you know - I met the fishman this morning , there LOL. The weather was changeable with a few heavy showers, but everyone just piled into the nearest beer tent. I came home with a few very nice treasures, but will post about them a bit later.
Looking forward to the County Show this weekend, hope to get back with some good photos :)

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